It’s time to realise if you are living or just existing? Have you met your creative side yet? This week I’m sharing with you a poem, which I hope, inspires you and gets you closer to what you really are! Here’s a poem by our Fashionista, Neeti, for Different Truths.
Imagine a world without classy style
Full of fake attitudes, air kisses and plastic smiles!
Imagine a world, without patterns and color schemes
Where people match whatever they want (I hear disastrous screams!)
Can you imagine a boring world, without creative design?
Where everything is ‘mediocre’, ‘okay’ or ‘just fine’!
Can you imagine a world where we don’t innovate?
And challenge ourselves to invent and create?
Life would be just repetitive and mundane
Don’t let this boon become a bane!
Observe the beauty around you, get inspired
Walk the extra step, stay fit, and perspire!
Paint the Earth Green…be kind, ban the mean!
Eat Organic, local and homemade
Plan trees, your tired body needs their shade!
Speak from your heart, stay simple and rooted
Take a break, don’t stress, come back rebooted!
Let the creative juices flow, you are Unique,
Let your words and work express and speak
Every breath may be your last breath, make it count
Deposit Love in life’s savings account!
©Neeti Banga
Pix from the Net.