Dr Navodita discusses Gladwell’s insights that reveal success: deliberate practice, embracing small wins, creative adversity, curiosity, and pursuing meaningful goals, attracting positive outcomes, exclusively for Different Truths.

One of the bestsellers, Malcolm Gladwell, has come up with lots of ideas about what the success mantras are and what underdogs need to do to be successful. Here are some key takeaways.
Leaders invest time deliberately
There’s a 10,000-hour rule he swears by, although it has come under a lot of criticism. He believes that mastery comes with consistent, focussed practice. It’s not just about clocking hours but about reaching your goal and striving. You must schedule regular time to refine your skills or knowledge in a particular area.
Embrace Small Wins as Fuel
Underdogs, he says, thrive by celebrating the small milestones. Tiny successes accumulate into big wins over time. He emphasises that in his book, ‘The Tipping Point’ well enough – that big transformations happen when seemingly small factors align. Those wins show that your little efforts aren’t in vain.
Turn Adversity into Creative Solutions
In his book, ‘David and Goliath’, Gladwell unpacks the assumption that bigger and mightier always win. The advantage as an underdog is that you innovate around constraints. People battling all odds tend to be more resourceful, turning shortcomings into strengths.
Staying Curious and Open-Minded
Gladwell writes in most of his stories how it is important to remain open-minded and stay inquisitive. It is all right to turn widely accepted truths upside down. People like these are always hungry for more ideas. They don’t hold on rigidly to old ideas and methods and are willing to experiment and research from unexpected places.
Focus on Meaningful Goals
People who are winners don’t chase the wins but look for more meaningful goals and accomplishments. They have a deeper meaning than just ‘beating’ somebody else. They are not purely addicted to money, fame or recognition. There is a genuine sense of purpose behind their daily actions, be it serving the community, pioneering an innovation or telling a story that was never told.
Hence people who are achievers never chase but attract outcomes and solutions. Their mind is a never-ending battlefield of endless possibilities waiting to be explored. The ideas are not only filled with innovation but ones that benefit all. If these points are followed, a person is going to live a happy, fulfilled life.
Picture design by Anumita Roy