The Ripple Effect of Kindness

Shernaz talks about the act of kindness, in the weekly column, exclusively in Different Truths. After a small exchange on WhatsApp, a friend asked me “Are you short-tempered?” I...

Two Cups of Grain…

A powerful poem from Sarala, which depicts the trials, tribulations and the joy of farmers, who starve to feed millions, in Different Truths. Let me write a poem gathering...

Trees: The Givers!

Sunita celebrates the tree in a poem replete with rich images, in Different Truths. A row of trees Looks the same And yet so different- These glowing greens- Some...

I will get you a Condom!

Here’s a fiction by Kumar, where a university student shares his experiences among his group of friends, guzzling beer. An interesting story, full of twists and turns, exclusively in...


Here’s an interesting fantasy fiction about the world of the spirits, by Tapan, in the weekly column, exclusively in Different Truths. I don’t know how much you are aware...


This poem deals with the difficulties faced by the transgender community. Here’s a humane poem by Kabir, on the people most misunderstood in South Asia, in Different Truths.  ...