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Our blundering egos are our nemesis. Rupa tells us the Brahmastra or potent tools for achieving universal peace. An exclusive for Different Truths.

When and how did we grant ourselves permission to be no more accepting of others around us within the family and outside? What gave us the right to be judgmental, critical, intolerant, and unaccepting?

Why is it the case that “I” in the individual and the “I-ness” in Ego are so humongous that we exclude ostracising anyone who does not toe our line? Are we now a bonafide community of bullies missing the big picture of the progress that demands an inclusive society?


We continue to further break us down into smaller states to turn the once tiger-like glory of royal Bharat into pieces of my region, my culture, my language, my cuisine, my politics.

Our country was politically split by playing on divisive sentiments of “religious differences”. We continue to further break us down into smaller states to turn the once tiger-like glory of royal Bharat into pieces of my region, my culture, my language, my cuisine, my politics.  Myopic “my-ness” will be the doom of all we can dream of for society and self.

Historically stalwarts, elderly, mid-aged, young girls and boys from poor, affluent, intellectual families joined the freedom-revolution to place our nation ahead of self. Leaders worked to improve our society, uplift the downtrodden, restore the glory of plundered land invaded by aggressors, who misread the warm hospitality of locals with the credo of “Atithi devo bhava”(Guest is God)!

Elections are rigged, votes are bought, and fake news is a powerful tool to win seats of power.

Elections are rigged, votes are bought, and fake news is a powerful tool to win seats of power. Leaders, politicians, businesses-owners, creative thinkers, artists, even non-profit charities, NGOs encourage the family in the seat of power. Upliftment no longer is the main criteria; instead, money making, material self- enrichment, and creating a dynasty rule is a priority.

For us seeking no upheavals in our lives, what is the job of the common layperson? We listen to the bombardment of debating, insult-hurling, mudslinging panelists on TV channels. We read and discuss at length the mind-boggling events, tragedies, horrors, atrocities and social “news”.

To change the nation, society or the direction of global avalanche of intolerance, we can start small.

To change the nation, society or the direction of a global avalanche of intolerance, we can start small.

  • Regardless of religion we practice or urge our family to stay within the confines of for marriages. If it does not happen, do we need to treat them as pariahs, or even lynch them?
  • Religious practices may differ within confines of a home, but outside of walls of a home why are we not more welcoming of our differences, instead of touting secularity as a display card?
  • If children at school; colleagues at work get along fine, why cannot the rest of the community? Why is society acting blood-thirsty; out to impose one’s own choice of religious; political; personal beliefs?
  • If someone dresses, eats, talks, behaves unlike self or to not of liking, can we find it within us to overlook, not get critical? Why are we minimizing their choices if we choose differently?

If a rainbow had seven of same shade would it be the vivid VIBGYOR that fascinates imaginations?

If a rainbow had seven of same shade would it be the vivid VIBGYOR that fascinates imaginations? If a garden had but one blossom, however stunning, would it not be monotonously boring? If the same meal was served every day how much fun would it be?

We can start small – within a family, friend circle, neighborhood, our vicinity. Each one of us has a choice to tolerate differences, reach out to the “different”; support their wars for acceptance. Every being has a cross to bear, has a journey with battles to fight. We could begin with kindness, a smile, encouragement, a listening ear, a helping hand, tolerance, and acceptance for family members, maids, delivery men, cleaners, sweepers, neighbors.

Small ripples of kindness from every home will create the transformational tide…

 Small ripples of kindness from every home will create the transformational tide that sweeps our society into aiming at collective growth, progress, revolution that uplifts everyone.

Kindness, tolerance, and acceptance are the Brahmastra (potent tools) that will catapult the world-family into collective greatness of progress and universal peace.

Photos sourced by the author from the Internet

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  1. Nutan Sarawagi 5 years ago

    Would love to receive it

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