• April 26, 2016
  • Lily Swarn

Hair and There!

A tongue-in- cheek tale of hair, its glees and woes by Different Truths’ humourist Lily. Alexander Pope, the great granddad of prose wrote, “Beauty draws us with a single...
  • April 25, 2016
  • Cholena Nashan

Don’t call me an Artist

Life is full of contradictions and paradoxes. Here’s a personal account of Cholena. She tells us about the deep prejudices against art and artists when she was growing up. She...
  • April 24, 2016
  • The Significant League

Anthology of Nonsense Verse

The Significant League (TSL) and Different Truths (DT) together offer nonsense verse, 73 limericks, and nine other poems, one be each poet, featuring 82 poets. This anthology of the TSL has...

The Earthen Pitcher

Champa recalls the days when fridges were not in vogue. Every house had earthen pitchers, the very large to small ones. The fragrance of moist earth – as after the...