• May 1, 2016
  • The Significant League

Anthology on Bonded Labour

The Significant League (TSL) and Different Truths (DT) together offer an Anthology on Bonded Labour, 60 poems, one be each poet, full of pathos and pain. It’s our joint salutation...

The Actress

Madhumita pens a story, based on a real life incident. Babies are rented out, daily, to beggars. Read what happens to one such baby. Here’s a heart-wrenching story on May Day....
  • April 29, 2016
  • Padmini Sharma

Baseless Fallacies

Is life an illusion Are love and friendship delusional? Padmini asks a few hard questions in this verse. Love is nothing but a silly fabrication Fostered for generation after generation...
  • April 29, 2016
  • Arindam Roy

Art and Reality

Arindam delves into the issues of art and reality, its interrelations and interdependence in this opinion piece. “Art is not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with...

Let’s Bite in!

An excellent photographer, Cholena gives invaluable tips for food photography for readers of Different Truths. Food photography is more than clicking what’s on the table. Thanks to the social media...