A Lucrative Proposal

Shauni Mukherjee’s boss Rudra Sanyal offered a lucrative proposal to her. It was a one-way ticket to the slippery ladder in the corporate world. It was an offer that promised...
  • May 25, 2024
  • Martins Tommyson

On my Darling’s Cheekbones

A love poem by Martins, where he likens her sensuousness to the intoxication of Palm-wine, for Different Truths. I see on her cream, fleshy cheekbonesa pellucid colour glimmerslike of a pink...
  • May 24, 2024
  • Monika Arora


A sensuous poem of passion and love by Monika, for Different Truths. Strip me naked of my guardAccept me as a retardLook me in the eyes in silenceBeckon me...

My Jigsaw Fairy

Tooth Fairy or not, a fairy guided Shernaz through the jigsaw puzzle of life. Read more about it exclusively in Different Truths. When I lost my first milk tooth,...