Kashmiri Spring Welcoming Day celebrations began on Thursday (March 14) this year. Monika serenades the Spring, exclusively for Different Truths.
Benevolence of that Spring Sun,
its glint warmed my skin, as if
caressed by a Seraphic Kiss.
Beauty of incipient viridescent leaves,
drab soil sprinkled with vibrant blooms
and painted petals pirouette in the breeze.
Through the moist air, hands furling
kids pose to fly; makes me grin.
now and then I muse, it’s just ‘Something’.
Birds flick n flit from sprig to twig
Chirruping out their mellow melody;
reminiscing of the music, long time missing.
As I walk the walk;
my heart could hear Sinatra sing,
“It might as well be spring…”
O’ Spring…
I could guzzle like an elixir
hear like a melody;
breathe like an essence!
©Monika Ajay Kaul
Photo from the Internet
Loving it Monika- wud like to be physically transported as well…well put together!!!