Dr Molly vividly depicts life’s diverse aspects and an enigmatic “Dial” that determines destiny and directs all human endeavours, exclusively for Different Truths.
as in a monochrome the dial stalks all follow suit... the morns misty, soggy rainy, alternated by bright sheaves of light, glistening... days fringed on wistful longing of something special soon to be devoured by the monotony of the mundane... zestful cries thundering on zealous compulsions... be it for power dominance... the average always on on thorns of the inadequate in ceaseless war against poverty, disease... the rich wriggling in cloyed satiety extravagance... the poet, the painter the philosopher mapping this topography vying with interests to validate... hah! the Dial decides, stalks, all follow...
Picture design by Anumita Roy