
Love for Self: Balancing Boundaries and Genuine Connection

While a lot has been said about ageing gracefully, here’s something for the younger lot from the perspective of somebody who has learned with age. As your hair greys, hopefully, it carries with it more wisdom and some of the sense with which you can teach the younger lot.

Relationship with the self

The relationship you have with yourself is going to be the most important in your life. So, learn to cherish the moments you have with yourself, and self-love is crucial. Self-love, however, should not be confused with being selfish or self-centered. Give off your time and interact with people around you. But with boundaries and self-contained calm and composure.

Work on results

Usually, people don’t look at only your work but also the results you work on. Results should show up as that reflects how well you have worked on your project. It is crucial to work on results that define the person you are as a professional.

Failure is a part of life

Failures and heartbreaks are a part of life. So never feel the setback due to these. These may temporarily make you feel you have committed a major mistake, but learn immediately and move on instead of mulling over it for too long.

Home is the best

How-much-ever you work and care for your work, home is always the best place you will ever find. Here you get to cherish your rest time and your leisure time and have a great time just being with yourself and your loved ones. So, make the best of it and give an extra hug to the near and dear ones in your family.

Stay away from self-pity

Stay away from regrets and self-pity, as that may eat into your enthusiasm and hard work. Self-pity should be avoided at all costs, as that only gives way to sympathy, which propels you to shirk work and efficiency. Being a healthy learner and moving on is the best option.

Tomorrow is different

Tomorrow is not in your hands. While you are putting in all the hard work and your best today, it is the best thing to do today and live in the present moment worrying about your ‘todays’ rather than ‘tomorrows’.

Choices shape life, not Fate

The choices you make today are shaping your life but not deciding your destiny or building your fate. So be careful to choose what you do today with care and precision.

Childhood is precious

Always cherish the moments spent in your childhood. They bring back memories and help you stay glued to the right values and set of principles you might have forgotten with age.

Be willing to accept change

Always be willing to accept change, as change is the only constant. Never try to hold onto situations or people if there is no respect in the moment or the relationship. Being clingy can backfire and can be a sure-shot way to drive pessimism and encourage being depressed.

The journey is more important than the destination

Being a part of life’s journey is more important than reaching the destination. Enjoy each moment and savour it like a never-ending ‘trail of good fortune.’

The aim is to stay happy and cherish all the moments of life, living life to the fullest, doing your best and letting go of what’s not in your control. This is the mantra of life!

Picture design by Anumita Roy

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Dr. Navodita Pande
Navodita Pande teaches Mass Media and Communication and English to ICSE/ISC school in Assam. She also trains students in Yoga, gratitude and healing. She loves to paint, write and read as her pastimes. She lives in Assam with her daughter.
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