
Look Beyond What You Already See!

Enakshi tells us about many teachers in our lives, including our parents, siblings, friends, books and Nature. An exclusive for Different Truths.

Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee.  ~Michel de Montaigne

Teacher’s Day is celebrated every year with great pride, enthusiasm and zest. It is one of those days when every child pays his/ her respect to the teachers from the bottom of the heart. Every teacher, too, looks forward to this day as this is the day when her students freely express their love and appreciation for all that she does. But is it right that only the ones who teach in the school should be honoured on this day? Isn’t it true that learning is a never-ending process and every person who comes into our life teaches us something valuable? If you agree with this, then this article will act as a catalyst in remembering all those who are or were a part of our lives and make or made our life meaningful by teaching something new.

Right from our brother, sister, father, mother, grandparents, neighbours to your friends, cousins, acquaintances and strangers — each one of them has a different story. What is important for us is to become a part of their stories and see for ourselves how we would have survived in their boat when the waves of life turned turbulent! Even a small child, who has an unchained fancy teaches us to view everything with rose-tinted glasses.

Right from our brother, sister, father, mother, grandparents, neighbours to your friends, cousins, acquaintances and strangers — each one of them has a different story. What is important for us is to become a part of their stories and see for ourselves how we would have survived in their boat when the waves of life turned turbulent! Even a small child, who has an unchained fancy teaches us to view everything with rose-tinted glasses. When we fight with our siblings at home for a TV remote but take their side outside the home, we realise how love brews amidst fights! Our parents might scold us, beat us or punish us but they are the only ones who care about our well-being. They become the human alarm clock for us, they spend a lot to fulfil all that we need, they provide us with the best entertainment facilities, and they are our drivers, chefs, personal bodyguards and what not! Who would do such kind of selfless service other than the ones who genuinely want the best for us?

That’s about the family. Even our friends teach us so many lessons. Each adventure that we embark on with our friends brings along a new experience and a lot of learning. Each mistake makes us cautious and better prepared. I don’t have to mention anything about the teachers, do I? They are omnipotent! Even the house-help and the people we meet daily to share their experiences and that teaches us something or the other. Most often it is those stories that help us think on our feet and escape the pandemonium. Even strangers can teach us several things. If we cross paths with a stranger who flashes a warm smile at us, we understand the importance of subtle greetings. When we visit a place that is not only beautiful but also clean, we (unintentionally) learn the importance and outcome of keeping the surroundings clean.

Nature is known to be the best teacher. While the sun is known for its harsh exterior, it is applauded for the warmth it provides to all of us selflessly. The moon provides unfiltered light during those dark nights, the trees, too, teach us to be selfless and compassionate. All the elements of nature teach us to live in harmony and respect the existence and choices of all other species.

Nature is known to be the best teacher. While the sun is known for its harsh exterior, it is applauded for the warmth it provides to all of us selflessly. The moon provides unfiltered light during those dark nights, the trees, too, teach us to be selfless and compassionate. All the elements of nature teach us to live in harmony and respect the existence and choices of all other species. In the hearts of all species in the wild, peace brews. Even inanimate objects can teach us a lot. Books are great teachers too! They take us into a parallel world to teach us the importance of dreaming and concocting tales that can provide solace from the chaos all around. The materialistic products help us love ourselves, eventually making us realize the importance of self-love. In fact, the food that we make, the pictures we draw, the articles we write, the poems we compose or the songs we sing- all these activities help us reset our mind and make peace with life in our own small yet different way. Strangely, even the Coronavirus has taught us to come to terms with our uncanny family, realise the importance of time and outdoors, understand the importance of hygiene and cleanliness and has made us careful and observant!

Therefore, I disagree that teachers are the only people who teach us. It just takes a step forward to pull the facade before our eyes and evoke the feeling of gratitude. When we are open-minded and eager to learn, obstacles melt away in a snap because we have so many people/things that stand by the door holding the beacon of light and an extended hand to take us forward into the unchartered territories!

Photo from the Internet

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Enakshi J
Enakshi is an educator, an author and a traveller. She loves to learn. Her writings have appeared in The Speaking Tree (Times of India), Woman’s Era, Alive, Infitithoughts, SivanaSpirit, Women’s Web, EfictionIndia and Induswomanwriting. She is an eminent book reviewer and she reviews books by Penguin, Rupa and Hachette India. Her stories and poems have been anthologised widely. She conceptualized two books- ‘Unbounded Trajectories’ and ‘Poison Ivy’.

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