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On the Spring Equinox, Saturday, March 20, this year, Bushra penned a poem, celebrating Spring. An exclusive for Different Truths.

Harbinger of sunshine and warmth
Spelling the end of days of cold
Spring breathes new life into nature
Flowers blossom forth in a burst of myriad hues
Trees are dressed in a spurt of green, delicate and fresh
Birds chirp cheerfully in an unending twitter
While creatures, little and big, crawl out of hibernation
Welcoming the joy of new life
Celebrating the manifestation of a new spirit
Day and night, balancing the light of the sun…
And, moving away from the gloom of dark winters
As we move towards summer
Can man remain unaffected by this exposition of nature? 

It is that time of the year to take a look at life afresh,
A time to reaffirm our faith in God and humanity
A time to eliminate negative thoughts and infuse positivity
A change in attitude, perhaps, is what is needed
As seasons change…!

Visual by Different Truths

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Bushra Alvi Razzack
Bushra Alvi Razzack, Founder of Delhi by Verse, loves weaving words, emotions and opinions while creating rhythm and imagery to make sense. Apart from being therapeutic, writing poems is her way of storing memories and recording events. Her articles on culture and society have been widely published. She has also translated short stories from Urdu and Hindi into English. She is the Editor of multilingual anthology, Dilliwali: Celebrating the Woman of Delhi through Poetry.
  1. Mohammed 4 years ago

    It’s very beautiful written poem
    It’s very true with nature and I like the spring

    • Bushra Alvi Razzack 4 years ago

      Thank you so much Mahmood Chacha! Glad you liked it. Spring is my favorite season too!

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