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“There she is! My beloved!” he says aloud,
She shudders, knowing not what to utter or do;
She struggles to run away,
Frantically she tries to find her way,
Unfortunately, his grip is as strong as glue…

Tiny that she is, he sits on his legs with a wicked smile,
Places his dark lips over her pink ones;
She pleads with him to set her free,
She cries loudly hysterically,
His mad glance on her hardens…

Hitting her barbarically on her naïve cheeks,
He lets her settle down and cry;
Very soon changes his stance,
After all, he can’t take a chance,
Says, “I love you, but to scream never even try!”

She knows not what to do or say,
She did try to inform her mother once;
Shocked she had been to discover,
Her mother hadn’t believed her,
She had no one for support or guidance…

Child abuse is the worst of all crimes,
And yet its occurrence is so rampant;
My soul trembles at the thought,
I wonder what happens to the distraught,
Unfortunately, very often, relatives and friends are the errant!

Photo from the Internet

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