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An evocative, soul-searching poem, by Seema, exclusively for Different Truths.

I have been meaning
To pen a letter
To my younger self
Some sage advice
On how it’s okay to falter
That discernment comes with age
From experiencing life
And taking a few missteps

Let not your pride
Throw obstacles in your path
The smallest of oaths
Are just as important
In the grand scheme of things
Don’t sell yourself short
The cost of remarks snide
Are valuable friendships lost

There is honour even in loss
As long as you are true to your cause
Be gentle and kind
To others and to yourself
You are beautiful and accepted
Just the way you are
And you will soon find
The world is a beautiful place

A tender word goes a long way
To remind a wounded soul
That the aches that has led them astray
Cannot fill the gaping hole
Growing bigger with each cruel act
Like a self-fulfilling prophecy
Of doom attracting gloom
In murky waters the flowers of peace cannot bloom

Be you with all your imperfections
Class distinctions are just a facade
To perpetuate despair
Do not hide behind a mask
Life cannot be lived as a masquerade
Trust your intuitions
That whisper in a quiet tone
The words of heavenly wisdom

Visual by Different Truths

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Seema Ahira
Seema Ahira is an Indo Canadian poet and spent her childhood and formative years in the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Coming from a multi-religious background she considers herself a strong empath and has an innate sense of social justice. Seema does not consider herself a poet and writes to give a voice to her feelings and thoughts. She lives with her amazingly supportive husband, reasonably well-adjusted young kids and a four-legged child.

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