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Reading Time: < 1 minute
Come, girl, it is not the end of the world,
you still have a long way to go
and the age is only a number.
Get the fear out of your head
it has nothing to do with your ailments
that are only temporary,
come on, get up and see the sunshine,
and hear the birds chirping;
and the children playing in the park
there is no need for you to stay in the dark
enjoy these times while it lasts.

Get off the burden that it is the sickness
that is going to kill you,
nothing will happen if you have a positive mind,
think positively, have a vision, and have faith in God
He is your healer
and if you trust in Him, you will see you are already healed
So why mourn about nothing?
Come out and see the wide world
only you are not suffering
but the world around us
and all are living one day at a time!

Picture design Anumita Roy

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Shalini Debra Mascarenhas
Debra Mascarenhas is based in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, and has been here for almost three decades. She is a widow living with her three children. She graduated in Arts and majored in Literature. Writing comes to her naturally. She has two books published in the UK. “Whispers from my Heart” & “Sail into the World of my poem.” She writes short stories and poems. She paints in acrylics while self teaching herself. She is passionate about cooking, gardening, writing, and photography.

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