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After my day’s job was done
I trod down a hill, homeward bound
But, on its gentle slope draped in lush,
Fresh and fragrant, soft, green grass, I
I tarried a while, to lay my aching back
Work-weary limbs on its firm support.
The evening sun bestowed a gentle warmth.
The breeze, caressed, as a mother would
The rustling leaves, the birds on trees,
Sang me a sweet lullaby; it was as if the
The entire countryside contrived to give me
The well-earned, much-needed repose.
Sleep alighted on my lids and whisked
Me to the fantastic land of dreams, while
Nature rejuvenated each and every tired cell.
Rested and refreshed, I opened my eyes
To the falling dusk. The twinkling lights,
The chimney smoke of my village below
Beckoned, and with renewed strength,
I trod homeward to the welcoming arms
Of a beloved family, home and hearth.

Photo by the poet.

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Dr. Amrinder Kaur Bajaj
Dr Amrinder Kaur Bajaj is a senior gynaecologist, an award-winning author, columnist, and poetess. She also writes editorials for newspapers like The Times of India, Tribune and India Express. At present, she is attached to FMRI (Fortis Memorial Research Institute) Gurgaon. She also teaches Minimally Access Surgery to national and international postgraduate doctors at The Medicity Gurgaon.

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