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Here’s an evocative poem pain and endurance, by Anumita, exclusively for Different Truths.

A drop of emptiness ripples out and echoes,
On the surface of the vast overflowing splendor,
Lighting up the pregnant pause on the candle’s wicker,
Blink, and there flows the molten wax from sodden eyes,
Drop by drop they gather in glistening hardness,
Filling up the crevasses of those long forgotten pains,
Stiffening the lips into a permanent smile,
Beautiful they say, for the redundant mask I know,
Frozen for eternity in the brimming liquid of love,
Spread out on the taunt sheet of universal time.

Picture deign Anumita Roy, Different Truths

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Anumita Roy
Anumita Roy is an artist at heart and legal/medical interpreter by profession. She creates word images in her verses and loves to write short stories. Mother of children in the spectrum, she advocates special needs issues in whichever way possible. Born in India, brought up in several countries, makes her a true global citizen. She now lives in the Columbus, Ohio, with her family and follows her passion for writing and advocacy being the Managing Editor of Different Truths.

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