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Bewitching beauty around the world
Colours and hues together swirl
The whole of the world outside it whirls
All to be seen by the pinhole of the eye

Without the eye, why would we die?
Without sunlight or sight of the moon
Without a notion of time and noon
Like being chained in a high-walled room

While with the eye, the world fulminates
Its extravagant wonder truly unfolds
Our senses and dear feelings are bright
Without troubles, our hearts feels light

Those people who stand up tall
Even without them, they didn’t fall
Without the eye, they could see
They explore the universe, untold.

They don't need our help
For over the dragons they’ve slain
I have been through taunts and pain
Respect and worth are what they fight for.

In the inner eye, the thoughts explode
Immense peace, immortally free
The more eyes close, the more we see
The universe’s divine melody.

Picture design by Anumita Roy

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