
A Mother’s Grief: An Exploration of Loss and Love

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Reading Time: < 1 minute
a southeaster croons
a dirge by the entryway
the hinges heave and creek
laden with unspent tears…
a storm cleaves a willow

funeral service at home
a murmur of voices
the huffing of beetles on
wilting magnolia, a eulogy
stifles the ebb and flow of a life

reading his last letter
engulfed by a serotinal haze
of tuberose vestiges
pressed between the pages
a circuitous path of loops and circles

An empty bedroom once
painted eggshell blue
the color now fades and peels
the mother keeps winding
his watch clockwise

the dreams keep recurring
her lips emit voiceless murmurs
the bamboo contorts anew
within a tangled coppice
a starling keeps calling out a name

dismantling a vacant bassinet by
the violaceus Jacaranda
they bury the wreckage of hopes
sometimes a breath is the
wingspan of a hummingbird

Picture design Anumita Roy

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Jahnavi Gogoi
Jahnavi Gogoi’s poetry has been published in Indian Review, Coffee and Conversations, RIC journal, Café Haiku, Presence, Five Fleas, Haiku Girl Summer, Tsuri-doro, Enchanted Garden Haiku journal, Zen Peacemakers, Fresh Out: An Arts and Poetry Collective, The Daily Verse by The Wise Owl, Haiku Corner by The Japan Society, Shadow Pond Journal, The Leaf Journal, haikuNetra among others. She moved to Canada more than a decade ago and lives in Ajax, a town in Ontario.

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