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You must know that, whoever you are and whatever is your occupation, in your inner self a smiling tune always rings for you, that says: “I love you, dear child!” Yes, you are deeply loved by Iswar. You are loved by God, and you have all the rights to love God/ Ishwar/Allah as you may call Him. And you must know there are no eligibility criteria to love God or to be loved by Him. In human society to love and to be loved by all human being, even by your own family you need to qualify so many tests and there are countless indicators and parameters to judge your love! Yes, it is most tough an examination and most of the people fail this test and live an unloved unhappy life. Krishna guides us to get in touch with our godliness or goodness, in the weekly column, exclusively for Different Truths.

In the busy boring and urban life you often may feel unwanted, used, and mechanical and you drop your jaws in utter depression! Yes, modern style of living especially its education system and none-the- less the professional life is full of stress and tension. From children to youth to adults everyone is struggling to meet their “goal” and running after “achievements”. And this rat race leads you into a hollowness of nothingness, of meaninglessness. You want to cling to something or someone and get some consolation at least, but alas, you find yourself alone in your own limitation! This throws you out of balance, many-a- time.

But you must know that, whoever you are and whatever is your occupation, in your inner self a smiling tune always rings for you, that says: “I love you, dear child!” Yes, you are deeply loved by Iswar. You are loved by God, and you have all the rights to love God/ Ishwar/Allah as you may call Him. And you must know there are no eligibility criteria to love God or to be loved by Him. In human society to love and to be loved by all human being, even by your own family you need to qualify so many tests and there are countless indicators and parameters to judge your love! Yes, it is most tough an examination and most of the people fail this test and live an unloved unhappy life.

But for God, there is no bar, even a most “hated” person may love Him. He always accepts love; moreover, you love Him or not He loves you always. His love is divine, limitless and infinite. Try to feel your inner being, try to touch Him, try to speak with Him, and sense His marvelous fragrant love. Love Him today. Your heart will be fulfilled with a pleasant song, you will start to dance with the breeze, and you will be so happy that you were never before! As you Love Him you will simultaneously start loving all creatures; you get and give so much love to so many creatures, human and other beings that you will forget loneliness, you will love the rush at Metro, you will forgive the person pushed you at queue, you will sing at your work, and moreover you will no longer will to hanker for love from anyone – you will learn to give love unconditionally!

You will see a beautiful change in your physical assets also, you will be happy healthy, prosperous and your eyes will be always shining with joy and smile and your personality will be will be adoring and attractive.

Try this today. Just touch your inner self and say, “I Love You!”

©Dr. Krishna Hota

Photos from the internet.

#Love #ILoveYou #InnerGod #Ishwar #Goodliness #God #DifferentTruths

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