• July 14, 2018
  • Sushmita Mukherjee
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Are the appearances — words, things, beings — truly impromptu? Of course, that is not the subject, the matter of this outpouring, yet, has popped, seemingly impromptu, in the course of this outpouring, says Sushmita, in the weekly column, exclusively for Different Truths.

Isn’t it intriguing as to how the words appear and form the sentences when we are into the process of scripting something and speaking? Are these words always “planned”? What makes them come together and deliver us? How do we access them?

We prefer, usually, to plan our action and speech (when asked to deliver one). At least, a mental rehearsal we look for. It is something else, though, that we are constantly rehearsing, mentally, a constant chatter on in the mind, the mind chattering with an almost Brownian motion-like movement of thoughts! We look for certainty, in the constantly changing, even if ever so subtly, the canvas of life. Yet, things and beings appear to appear as if from nowhere, their appearance too impromptu.

Concurrently, though our preference is for the planned acts and interactions, what are our conversations, when we meet and chat? Do we have a script prepared, even for the meetings and interactions that have been planned? Do they not flow, as constant and consecutive responses in motion?

These queries and many experiences evoke the query: Are the appearances — words, things, beings — truly impromptu? Of course, that is not the subject, the matter of this outpouring, yet, has popped, seemingly impromptu, in the course of this outpouring, pouring itself out!

The truth lies not in the appearance but in that, that prefers to stay in the backstage, staging everything back on the stage of life. It reflects itself, always! The cause, invisible and quite often intangible, makes itself known through the effect.

Likewise, that we call impromptu, has something that prompts and manifests as that.

The word impromptu has aroused the interest since it appeared to me, in a flash, impromptu, as: “I’m prompted by you.” The reference, “You,” a reference with reverence and deference to the Source, commonly called God. Everything originates from and resides in the Source, and as it is tapped or received in a moment of heightened receptivity, with absolute clarity the revelations flash. An akin experience William Wordsworth has hailed, in the poem “I wandered as a lonely cloud” (commonly known as “Daffodils”):

For oft, when in my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,

They flash upon that inward eye,

Which is the bliss of solitude…  

The revelation could be anything, about anything, received when totally unexpected…unplanned…impromptu!

As revelations are savoured and marvelled at, so do we revel in these impromptu outpourings, either pouring out from within or received from without. In the wake of their appearance, they make us wake up to the hidden treasures, within and without. With deep reverence, the impromptu presentations are delved into, in subsequence, following the sequence of events, subtle and gross, tangible and intangible, that lands us on the shores of the impromptu, either expressing or receiving them from outside. It is then that we realise that these come out in response to something, either within or without. There has to be, and is, a sponsor, a trigger — a thought, feeling, incident, emotion — that sets into motion that we call and experience as impromptu.

When we are asked or requested to deliver a speech, impromptu, what do we do? Do we not retreat into the deepest recesses and reserves of our very being, asking for deliverance? That prayer, request— could be a command and demand too — leading to deliverance, a spontaneous speech, is prompted by the sponsor, the request to deliver the speech. Without that, would one come up with the speech? Even this outpouring too wouldn’t have come out, if not prompted by “impromptu”! I am prompted by you all, too, the readers, playing a part in the invocation that you are reading!

It is intriguing, the way the words come out and deliver, at our behest, ever doing their best to come out with the best, the aptest word for the context in the flow!

At the same time, life is a cyclic flow, a cycle constantly in motion, the answer is received for every question, when the perception is ready to perceive and receive the answer. The words too are thus received…in resonance and consonance with our receptivity. The reason is known, intellectually and experientially, as, “As you sow, so you reap,” yet, when the grandeur of the revelations drench us, the awe-inspiring magnanimity humble and elate us, making us relate with Archimedes’ shouts of “Eureka! Eureka!”

Albert Einstein expresses his amazement and acknowledgement thus: “The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.”

It is our perception too, that serves as the “prompt” as well as the “prompter,” prompting the situation per its level. And our Source ever ensures that It leads to the apt revelations, ever endeavouring to enhance our perception, elevating it as well as the reception, as, as is the perception so is the reception and likewise is the experience, leading to an alike expression. Ever prompt it is, drawing out of us, and leading us to, the hitherto unknown, prompting us to expand and ultimately relinquish the limits that usually the mind identifies itself with and binds itself to.

The prompt is ever there, even for the so-called and experienced “impromptu,” and so I am led to and humbled by the led to, in the course of this outpouring: “Cause,” as one of the meanings of prompt! Unbeknownst, I find myself led to this meaning, after having scripted that everything is prompted by something, every effect having at least one cause. And this, yet again, is the magnanimous reciprocity of the Source, the Universe, ever conspiring in our favour, ever inspiring to access the Prompt Eternal within, our consciousness one with the Universal Consciousness.

Impromptu is no more what it meant, Source ever prompting to evolve the meanings and revel in the impromptu happenings, all happening in moments opportune!

The prompt is ever there, for everything impromptu!

Thus comes out the humble acknowledgement: “Impromptu is because I’m prompted by you!”

©Sushmita Mukherjee

Photos from the Internet

#Impromptu #Prompt #Speech #Wordwise #DifferentTruths

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Sushmita Mukherjee

Sushmita Mukherjee is a writer and a freelance editor. Before entering the arena of writing, she taught Organic Chemistry in Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata for close to eight and half years. She resigned from college in August 2012. Writing always has been her passion, and in due course, it has been realised and embraced as more than passion: calling. She has edited fifteen books and one movie script as well.

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