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Three Reasons Why Hydroponics Should be Promoted in the Era of Vertical Expansion

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Hydroponics is the art of gardening without soil. Below are three reasons why hydroponics should be promoted when we are in an age of vertical growth with hardly any space for horizontal development, says Ritambhara, in the weekly column, exclusively in Different Truths.

Hydroponics, as many of us may not know, is the art of gardening without soil. In fact, all the macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients required by the plants for growth are provided directly to the roots by placing the plants in a growing medium (water with nutrients added to it as per the requirement of the plant to be propagated).  It is astonishing for some of us to know that for the plants to grow, the soil isn’t the only medium. In fact, the soil might be considered to be slightly inefficient as compared to hydroponics since the roots have to search the soil for water and other vital nutrients required for their survival. Since hydroponics provides plants with readily available nutrients, their growth is much faster. Below are three reasons why hydroponics should be promoted when we are in an age of vertical growth with hardly any space for horizontal development, forget about having some open space or land for gardening in the skyscrapers.

  1. Provides Complete Nutrient Balance and Saves Water

Hydroponics helps the nutrients required for the plant to flourish and saves a lot of water. In the conventional gardening method, the amount of water required is nearly 65% more as compared to hydroponics.

  1. Higher Yields and Year-round Growth

The plants can be cultivated throughout the year with the hydroponic technique with better results in terms of taste and nutritional value of the yield.

  1. Affordable and no Yard Required

Hydroponic helps you create your choicest garden in an indoor space. You don’t need to have land and can easily get started on a low budget with any size of the project.

If you have been longing to have a garden of your dreams, but couldn’t fulfill, it’s the right time you consider hydroponics. Control the season and grow the yield of your choice throughout the year as your success is all assured with this modern technique.  Garden is a relaxing hobby and a great way to spend some quality time with your family members. Don’t let space limit your hobby, go for hydroponics.

©Ritambhara Kumari Upadhyay

Photos from the Internet

#Hydroponics #PlantingWithoutSoil #BenefitsOfHydroponics #LandlessPlantation #VerticalPlanting #3Questions #DifferentTruths

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1 Comment
  1. Dove Camron 6 years ago

    Very helpful

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