Dr Amrinder’s poem, featuring a young child discussing his grandfather’s ageing body, imparts life lessons through vivid metaphors and a timeless display of love exclusively for Different Truths.
‘Grandpa, Grandpa, will you tell me, please
Who drew these wrinkles on your face?’
‘Life, dear boy Life, drew a map of the
Journeys I took, of the adventures I had.’
‘Grandpa, Grandpa, tell me why crowfeet
Spread out from the corners of your eyes?’
‘These are lines of genuine mirth though, I also,
Laughed, at the googlies, Fate threw my way.’
‘Grandpa, Grandpa why is your hair so very white?’
‘It was wild and black in my rebellious, youth
But has now, snowed down to quiet acceptance.’
‘Grandpa, Grandpa, will you tell me why,
You have, these bags under your eyes?’
‘To store the wisdom of age, my child
Gathered painstakingly over the years.’
‘Grandpa, Grandpa, how come you have,
Such a store of wonderful stories in you?’
‘It is experience, that I reproduce, dear child
With a touch of humour, a twist of fantasy.’
Grandpa, Grandpa, tell me why, though,
Your skin be loose, your muscles weak,
Your knees wobbly, your breath wheezy,
Your teeth missing, your vision dimmed
The twinkle in your eye remains bright?’
‘It is the light of love that still shines through
‘Unbound love, for you my precious little one.’
He whispers tenderly into the shell-like ear
Of the half-asleep, curly-haired child
Snuggled in the warmth of his embrace.
Picture design by Anumita Roy