An enigmatic poem from Lily that weaves magic with potent metaphors.
Threads of live electric currents
Raw and potent
Throbbing with charges
Penetrating persistently
Into magical realms of eternity
Walking down the golden staircase of sunlight
Befriending the barren earth
Droplets of life force
Fulfilling the thirst of a million
Parched oceans
Infusing miraculous shades of light and dark.
Pitch black night smiling into a laughing dawn
Sleepy dusk rubbing its weary eyes and nodding off to dreamy wonderlands
Soft tendrils of green vines unfolding like winter love on
Snow-white hair
Blood red roses grappling with your heart like grasping wrestlers of passion
Threads of raw electric currents
Raw and potent.
©Lily Swarn
Pic from Net.