
From Fair and Lovely to Floyd and Ugly…

Rekha takes a hard look at the racism that’s rampant in the US and other places. An exclusive for Different Truths.

An incident that jolted everyone out of their sanity and conscience; a horrifying reminder that colour discrimination still exists like black horrors in this so-called so well defined portals of a modern 21st-century world. I often ask myself, where are we heading to?

‘Black’ George Floyd was brutally murdered by a ‘White’ policeman Derek Chauvin after he pinned down Floyd on his neck for a few minutes. An out and out act of barbaric display of colour discrimination!

The USA celebrates its 243 years of independence and, with being one of the superpowers in all aspects, does it need to become so primal in its attitude towards its citizens? The disconcerting question is the country surging ahead or moving back to primitivism?

The USA celebrates its 243 years of independence and, with being one of the superpowers in all aspects, does it need to become so primal in its attitude towards its citizens? The disconcerting question is the country surging ahead or moving back to primitivism?

This 8 min and 46-sec ordeal of a man is too beyond anyone’s imagination or sensibilities. Have we, as human beings, the supreme and the most innovative creation of God, become so stone-hearted and indifferent to the physical and mental trauma of a fellow being? This act is an absolute aberration of ethics, empathy and sensitivity!

This spine chilling murder that took place in full public view and watched by millions more through the lens has taken the whole world by storm and it is high time we instituted a body, which is even above the establishment of legislature or justice to fight and eradicate such social and barbaric evils of society.

Is this the so-called high and mighty American Dream? I want to rechristen it as ‘The Scariest of American Nightmares! A country which has been, and still is a dream destination of many has just proved otherwise.

Is this the so called high and mighty American Dream? I want to rechristen it as ‘The Scariest of American Nightmares!’ A country which has been, and still is a dream destination of many has just proved otherwise. As a citizen of another country, I will now think twice if I ever want to step into this land where racial discrimination is a common everyday affair!

As a teacher of Geography, it has been my dream to watch the spectacular Niagara Falls… drench in the maiden of the mist and watch with awe and be humbled by the sheer power and glory of Nature! Or go for a trip to The Grand Canyon carved out of the indomitable Colorado River, flowing pristine through the colourful layers of rocks carving out towering cliffs and deep valleys! And to watch the sun rises and sets in the distant horizon of the Arizona desert! Will my dream ever come true? I have brought these topics into the classroom with great enthusiasm and interest.

As a teacher of Geography, it has been my dream to watch the spectacular Niagara Falls… drench in the maiden of the mist and watch with awe and be humbled by the sheer power and glory of Nature!

How can people be discriminated just by colour, fair and dark or whites and blacks/browns? Among many articles, I chanced upon this excerpt and it is so obvious!

Throughout this country’s history, the hallmarks of the American democracy – opportunity, freedom, and prosperity – have been largely reserved for white people through the intentional exclusion and oppression of people of colour. The deep racial and ethnic inequities that exist today are a direct result of structural racism: the historical and contemporary policies, practices, and norms that create and maintain white supremacy.

In the words of Gustavo Razzetti, the race is natural but racism is not. I must add here, it is a manmade catastrophe of the worst kind!

In the words of Gustavo Razzetti, the race is natural but racism is not. I must add here, it is a manmade catastrophe of the worst kind!

It is not a race but the racism that colours our minds and thought process. We must make a conscious effort to not succumb to such cheap and trifling beliefs. The Almighty, I am certain did not have any such intention to discriminate with skin. The only discriminations have to be between right and wrong, good and bad, ethical and unethical, the prey and the predator, the strong and the weak.

Let us not forget the colour of the skin has a direct connection with the latitudinal locations- the closer we live to the Equator the darker our skin is. So people who live away from the equator are prone to more types of skin and health disorders. And like it or not the most original people of the world lived near the Equator! For that matter, the first Homosapien was born in Africa.

If science has been conceived to be for – well being of mankind – it has sadly brought about this great anomaly, racism based on skin colour. It is extremely tragic that science brought about the starkly dark concept called racial hierarchy!

If science has been conceived to be for – well being of mankind – it has sadly brought about this great anomaly, racism based on skin colour. It is extremely tragic that science brought about the starkly dark concept called racial hierarchy!


It is extremely unfortunate that we are so deeply affected by things that are beyond our control. Isn’t it time that we get affected by what is going on around us like atrocities against children and women, the great divide between the haves and the have-nots, corruption and nepotism, poverty and deprivation of basic amenities to a huge section of the world population. And what about certain areas of the world that are completely torn apart by terrorism?

Can we ever forget the long periods of struggles Martin Luther King Jr. underwent that demonstrated the transformative power of humans by dedicating himself to ending racial inequality and the way in which he changed the course of the US history?

It is time that we protested against such acts of extreme brutality and torture, be it physical or emotional, by any established authority in such enormous proportions and raise our united voice against racism. It is also time to speak out against insane savagery meted out to anyone irrespective of their caste, creed and of course the colour!

It is time that we protested against such acts of extreme brutality and torture, be it physical or emotional, by any established authority in such enormous proportions and raise our united voice against racism. It is also time to speak out against insane savagery meted out to anyone irrespective of their caste, creed and of course colour!

We must rise up to resist injustice and to rebuild a future that is rock solid about human rights and true equality.

In this 21 st century, when the whole world is reeling under a deadly pandemic that has brought the entire economy and progress to a complete standstill, we must pledge to join hands and work towards eradicating all evils

In this 21 st century, when the whole world is reeling under a deadly pandemic that has brought the entire economy and progress to a complete standstill, we must pledge to join hands and work towards eradicating all evils that could well become the future perils of the society at large.

It is not alone that Black lives matter but every life is precious and matters!

Photo from the Internet

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Rekha Nambiar
Rekha Nambiar is an educator by profession. She loves to write about her feelings and thoughts regarding various subjects that touch her. An avid reader and movie watcher, she has tried her hand at writing reviews about books and films. She shares her writings with her friends and family. Apart from being a lover of old Malayalam and Hindi songs, she loves to travel and capture nature into her camera.

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