An intense poem about the dog-eat-dog world of people, by Anoucheka, for Different Truths.
What is it that makes us hate each other?
Pray, looking at humans nowadays,
One can say that envy and jealousy
Surf over the blood that runs through their bloodstream
As if, they knew they were so mighty
As to conquer the purity that basks in humans’ souls!
Humans have become like cannibals
Ready to chew and swallow their peers
So as to be the ones shining forth
As it would seem,
That the sparkle of another human,
Dazzles them
To the extent of causing them to feel
Shadowed and underrepresented!
Why, if all lived, connected and supportive
As ants are in their anthills
As bees are in their hives
As wolves are in their packs
As nature is faced with her cycle
Pray, if all lived,
Hand in hand, in a bond of brotherhood,
Would living not have equated
To being engaged always
In a peaceful orgy of love
An orgy in which Creation itself
Would have taken part
Lauding emotional words of praise
To the genuineness of human nobility?
Why hate is a disease
That is slowly eating up humanity
Because of it,
The world shall suffer and meet with its doom!
Love, vanquished, is suffering,
Locked in a glass coffin thrown deep in the oceans
Why it seeks to be rescued
And shall be,
Only when humans shall care to remember
That they are that which they seem
But are that which cannot be discerned
Made of an essence which belongs not to this Earth
And share the same connecting thread in their veins!
©Anoucheka Gangabissoon
Photos from the Internet
#Poem #Human #Vein #Earth #Verse #Soul #Blood #DifferentTruths