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Inspirations that we look for comes from our bosses, coworkers, clients, colleagues, friends, family and money. There is one that inspires you every day, we may not give it the due respect but if we start looking out for it and appreciate its importance, we may start becoming inspiring to others. It is not only important that you get this inspiration but necessary for you to be able to be inspiring to others. Preeyan tells us how to stick to a job, in the weekly column, exclusively for Different Truths.

During our careers, we come across many different people, colleagues who have had varied experiences with clients and coworkers who are all different in many ways. When we look at staying on a particular job and factors that influence decisions there are some commonalities that we can see. In this write-up, I would like to put forward some of the learnings I have had during my career and see if that will help you understand what makes you stick to a job or what makes you jump.

The first major influencing factor for most of us is what we do. Do we enjoy what we do? How interesting is the job? How important our position is and our understanding of it? Are you getting the recognition and are you feeling happy with what you are doing? The common factor in all this is the pleasure we derive out of it. As human beings, selfishness is built into our DNA. Only the quotient of it is different from person to person, but it is imbibed in us. Not a major fault, but something that can be regulated and by proper reasoning can be kept under control. The reason I say kept under control is that it can be so overwhelming that you might end up taking some wrong decisions in life that will hurt your career graph really bad if you let it go out of control. It is important to derive pleasure in what you do. So, a little bit of manipulation of things to derive this pleasure can help. And when this pleasure quotient is high, we end up staying longer with an organisation.

Change is one of the biggest factors that also influence a lot of our decisions. A change in designation, a change in role, a change in authority and a change in pay are some influencing factors in the order of my priority. The order might change person to person but the factors will still be the same. It is in our nature that we tend to get bored of what we do and we seek something different every time boredom sets in. At our workplace, if we are able to get this, in correct doses, at the right time we tend to stay longer regardless of getting offers for higher pay. Everyone, consciously or instinctively tend to gauge the change factor before we take a decision to stay or move on. Simply put change is something we cannot do without. It’s good to seek change, it keeps us active and keeps the enthusiasm levels high.

There is one thing that is not in your control but you seek every day. It is “inspiration”. Especially at the workplace where we spend 60% of our adult life, it is those things that inspire us that gets us going and makes us do what we do day in and day out. Inspirations that we look for comes from our bosses, coworkers, clients, colleagues, friends, family and money. There is one that inspires you every day, we may not give it the due respect but if we start looking out for it and appreciate its importance, we may start becoming inspiring to others. It is not only important that you get this inspiration but necessary for you to be able to be inspiring to others. Help keep a healthy balance and you start to see that this will influence pleasure and change in your life. Explore ways of inspiring people, it can be smallest of the deeds, but ever so important in life. Down the line, I do feel that I too have been inspiring to people and it has given a stability in my career. If it’s true for me it can be true for everyone. Stay inspired and live an inspiring life.

Last but not the least, money is a very important factor. Unfortunately, most of us just keep pursuing the increase of the monthly paycheck and sometimes miss looking at our balances in the bank, this leads to a lot of trouble in life and you get forced to do something wrong in life. There are many such cases in our lives that we have seen that some have gone chasing the paycheck and realized that they work doubly hard with fewer returns. Money is never directly proportional to happiness, but money is a factor that brings a lot of unhappiness. I have seen friends who are happy doing what they do, never complaining about how less they make, and the reason is that they have a bank balance saved which is more than the amount that you can imagine saving in a few years. This is because they have been meticulous in ensuring that they save even a small sum over many years. If you save more money you will realise that money is not always everything and it will encourage you to carry on in your career. Money in the bank always gives you a sense of peace that you have something saved for a rainy day.

These are some of the factors that are common to all, maybe just need to look at it in the right way and set the perspectives and your expectations right. Always remember that lack of any of these should drive you to try and strike a balance, maybe look for a different job, look for reducing some expenses, look at changing yourself for inspiring people and look at saving money. Stay inspired, stay happy and have a lovely career.


©Preeyan Abraham

Photos from the Internet

#CareerAndJobs #Career #StickingToAJob #WaysToStayAtAJob #JobPoints #DifferentTruths

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1 Comment
  1. Suchitra Abraham 6 years ago

    How true.. it is the way you look at things. Money in bank for rainy day is important at the same time striking a balance in our career and being inspired is also important. Truly said. Well said.

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