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Dengue: Symptoms, Care, and Prevention in Children

Preeti tells us about the symptoms, care, and prevention of Dengue in children, in the weekly column, exclusively for Different Truths.

Dengue (DEN-gee) fever is a tropical disease caused by a virus carried by mosquitoes. The Aides mosquito bites a person a person infected by dengue virus and it becomes a carrier of this virus. If another person is bitten by this mosquito, that person becomes infected with dengue fever. But the infection cannot spread directly from person to person but only through the BITE of the Aides mosquito.

In rare cases, the fever can take a serious form called as Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF).This is life-threatening and needs immediate treatment or it can result in death.

Signs and Symptoms

In young children and people being infected for the first time the symptoms are mild.

Older kids, adults, and people getting reinfection have moderate to severe symptoms.


  • High fever can go up to 105`F (40`C)
  • Pain in eyes, joints, muscles, and bones.
  • A severe headache
  • Rash over the body
  • Mild bleeding from nose or gums
  • Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Dehydration

Earlier, it was called as ‘Breakbone Fever’ due to severe pain in bones and muscles.

Incubation Period

Symptoms start from 4days to two weeks after the mosquito bite and last for 2-7 days.

If DHF develops and is left untreated then dengue becomes fatal.


If one feels the child has dengue-like symptoms or has visited a place infested with dengue and shows symptoms a doctor should be called immediately. He will get a blood test done to confirm the diagnosis.


Mild cases are treated with a lot of fluid intakes to prevent dehydration.

Acetaminophen is given to ease headaches and pain during fever.

Aspirin and Ibuprofen shouldn’t be given as they can cause bleeding.

In severe cases, hospitalisation is necessary where a child is given intravenous fluids and electrolytes lost during diarrhea and vomiting.

In more complicated cases blood transfusion is given.

Homeopathy has shown good results in controlling dengue fever. Dr. Swati Garg (B.H.M.S, M.D.) has shown the efficacy of drugs like Eupatorium Perfoliatum, which acts as a preventive and treatment of dengue. Other medicines which are useful are Carica papaya and Tinospora which help to treat dengue.

She has achieved good results in controlling fever and joint problems.


  • Windows and doors should be screened to prevent entry of mosquitoes.
  • Kids should wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, shoes, and socks.
  • Use mosquito repellent on face and neck.
  • Get rid of stagnant water to prevent mosquito breeding.
  • Use mosquito nets while sleeping.
  • The vaccine which has been introduced should be taken
  • Homeopathy a safe and tried method can do wonders.

Taking these measures might prevent kids from getting infected.

©Dr. Preeti Talwar

Photos from the Internet

#DengueFever #PreventionAndCare #ChildrenWithDengue #HealthInformation #DeseaseControl #DifferenTruths

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Dr. Preeti Talwar
Dr. Preeti Talwar is a science doctorate, freelance writer and blogger. She is passionate about writing and has made her mark on print and digital media. She has published in The Chicken Soup Series. She has worked as an online proofreader with Thakur Publications. Her passion is to write and become a prolific writer. Her other hobbies are painting, reading and cooking. She is a perfectionist and wields the pen and ladle with elan.

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