Sudipta rues that society judges a woman and calls upon the fair sex to rise and rewrite their stories.
They say ladies first, but in what context are these women privileged with such kindness from society? We are getting the primary position only in terms of satire, taunts, rebuke, manipulation, and last but not the least, harassment. If a slight disorder is created by one of us, the entire society will raise its voice against all women.
In heinous crimes such as rapes, society primarily blames the victim, who is mostly a woman! Sadly, a woman is the first person to be blamed and is accused of her creed. Society is inherently judgmental towards a woman. A homemaker is criticised for being ‘idle’ at home. A working professional is criticised and taunted along the lines of “then who will look after the kids?” When you have a single child, society instigates you to go for another child. At every step of her life, she meets with nagging and criticism.
We women must enjoy the soulful journey of life and feel the magic of existence.
Now, this is exactly why a woman should be confident and ignorant of what society perceives of her! One must practice what they derive pleasure out of, by discarding all fears, stereotypes, and anticipations. We women must enjoy the soulful journey of life and feel the magic of existence. We should just be our true selves. Self-esteem is a vital ingredient of our lives, whether they like you or not. There’s no point in forcing someone to understand your worth.
We must learn to respect ourselves before seeking respect from someone else. Let us welcome our life with merriness, cheer, and happiness. Gone are the days when women used to live their lives on someone else’s terms and conditions. Let us pledge and write the rules of our own life!
Let our voice be strong enough to penetrate each iron wall of confinement.
May our utter conviction towards life alter the false perception of the society of women who are still considered fragile ones. Let our voice be strong enough to penetrate each iron wall of confinement.
No more the patriarchy will manipulate and strangulate the desires of naive souls. In a society where hegemonic masculinity controls and subjugates the rights of women, we need to rewrite our story by delving into the rich culture of our country.
Let’s learn from our glorious past to adore the female power to liberate them from the shackles of tyranny…
Picture design by Anumita Roy, Different Truths