
Coronavirus and the Inhuman Race

Is Coronavirus teaching us a lesson that we, as human beings, have forgotten, asks Rekha? An exclusive for Different Truths.

As I look out, the sky is a beautiful combination of white and blue — two ethereal colours. It’s so peaceful to gaze and I am forced to think that even the sky is teaching us a few lessons of life.

Covid19 has indeed made a villainous entry into each one of our lives; irrespective of position, materialistic wealth, geographical boundaries, religion and culture. And to what extent it has put our lives into jeopardy is anyone’s guess. We have been completely conquered by this deadly virus as if it was God’s final onslaught!

Covid-19 has indeed made a villainous entry into each one of our lives; irrespective of position, materialistic wealth, geographical boundaries, religion and culture. And to what extent it has put our lives into jeopardy is anyone’s guess. We have been completely conquered by this deadly virus as if it was God’s final onslaught! He had waited far too long hoping that we would improve in our ways and we would learn the big lesson of coexistence.

But that was not to be! We went on a rampage destroying and abusing everything that came our way without giving care! All we wanted to be our greed, which we called as a need instead, to be fulfilled!

We forgot that the Earth is not only our home but an abode to millions of other living and nonliving beings. We call ourselves the best creation of God, but alas! we proved it wrong.

We forgot that the Earth is not only our home but an abode to millions of other living and non-living beings. We call ourselves the best creation of God, but alas! we proved it wrong. We perhaps just realised and reconciled to the fact that we are the most selfish creatures on this Earth, despite our so-called abilities and strengths.

Can we even begin to fathom the enormity of our pathetic situation? We are at the mercy of a microscopic organism, which entered into us uninvited. We are just ignorant and totally at its mercy, caught in its grasp. People, the world over, are reeling under its destruction. Even the best brains and machines of the world have not the slightest clue as to how to get rid of this tiny creature that is creating havoc worldwide.


This virus threatened us, loud and clear, that we, human beings, are dispensable. The Earth is for everyone that inhabits it. We have no right to take over or conquer that was never ours. We have to practise the habit of sharing and caring.

This virus threatened us, loud and clear, that we, human beings, are dispensable. The Earth is for everyone that inhabits it. We have no right to take over or conquer that was never ours. We have to practise the habit of sharing and caring. In these times of trauma and destruction, we need to understand that coexistence is the keyword and it is this attitude that will bring prosperity and our well being.

The skies are clearer and more colourful. The air’s less polluted and fresher. We can hear the melodious chirping of birds more clearly. Animals are coming out in the open and wondering perhaps, “Where have the monsters gone?”

Coronavirus imprisoned us in lockdowns. It let the other creatures breathe, play and wander around spaces that were once theirs but were encroached upon and taken over by us, the human race. They just proved that they can survive without us but we need them to make this Earth a more sustainable home.

Coronavirus imprisoned us in lockdowns. It let the other creatures breathe, play and wander around spaces that were once theirs but were encroached upon and taken over by us, the human race. They just proved that they can survive without us but we need them to make this Earth a more sustainable home. They don’t need us and they have the whole Earth to roam around free and use the resources judiciously. Gone are those days when we caged them. Look at our plight now. We are caged and they roam free. The wheel has moved full circle. What a tragedy or should I say, comedy is this!

This pandemic is indeed a hard-hitting reminder to us that we are surely the best creation of God but only if we understand and practise the lesson of coexistence or else we have to be rechristened as the inhuman race.

It is as if the Earth is warning us. Its time that we hit the ‘pause’ button. We need to reflect on the cruelties and pain that we have inflicted on this planet.

It is as if the Earth is warning us. It’s time that we hit the ‘pause’ button. We need to reflect on the cruelties and pain that we have inflicted on this planet. It is time we realised that we have to ‘stop’. It’s now or never!

In the words of Carl Sagan, “This is the only home that we have. The Earth is the only world known so far to harbour life.” There is nowhere else, at least soon, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment, the Earth is where we make our stand.

Photo from the Internet

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Rekha Nambiar
Rekha Nambiar is an educator by profession. She loves to write about her feelings and thoughts regarding various subjects that touch her. An avid reader and movie watcher, she has tried her hand at writing reviews about books and films. She shares her writings with her friends and family. Apart from being a lover of old Malayalam and Hindi songs, she loves to travel and capture nature into her camera.

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