A poignant story about a girl in the ASD spectrum. It unfolds the struggle of a single mother and Yashika, their trials and tribulations, and finally recognition, as Special...
In Pursuit of a Normal Life
Anjali shares the trials and tribulations of being a mother of a Special Needs child, diagnosed with ASD, with her diary, in this short story. She’s dismayed that even...
The Intersection between the World Famous Books and the Picture Books
Reading a picture book is the interests and pastimes of many modern people. In the picture book world, the pictures are used as its compositions and colours, to show...
Number One
Dr. Tzemin portrays the binaries of life of an ASD child, his coming of age, and his later life, in this short story, for the Special Feature. A Different...
the studio
A poignant story by Michele, concerning neurodiversity, for the Special Feature, exclusively for Different Truths. “When I am not prepping or playing a concert, or teaching, I paint,” he...
Mother of High Functioning Autism Children: Real or Not
The author’s children are high functioning autistic. The term “autistic” used with her children felt wrong as if she used that as a label to get things to work....
Worldwide, Right-Minded People Unite for Autism Awareness, Reject Tall Claims of Big Media Houses
Working in the midst of the advocacy issue, Autism awareness, for the second year, we find that a large number of poets, storytellers, authors, and researchers, from 19 countries...
Meera Shenoy of Youth4jobs wins National Award for Placing Disabled Youth in Job
In India, people with disabilities are either looked-down upon, seen with sympathy or made fun of. Rarely people go beyond these actions. Mahima, in the weekly column, interviews Meera...