A New Chapter in Russia-India Friendship
Just a day ahead of Putin’s visit the US had cautioned its allies, especially India, not to enter into transactions with Russia and warned that it would trigger American...
India-US Relations and US-Sino Trade War: New Delhi Needs to Tread Cautiously
India-US trade has been growing and has crossed $100 billion mark in 2017 and India’s defence purchases too are increasing. But as part of the trade war, US has...
Sri Lanka Lets India Operate Mattala Airport: Delhi Scores a Quiet Diplomatic Victory over China
India has scored a quiet but important diplomatic victory over China in Sri Lanka. Beijing was dead against India taking over the Mattala airport. In the Sri Lankan parliament,...
India Has Little to Gain by Dancing With the Dragon
As the adage goes, enemy’s enemy is a friend, India and China have warmed up to espousing the common cause of hitting the rich world where it hurts their...
Mexico is Poised for a Regime Change on July 1
Trump denounced Mexican migrants to the U.S. as rapists and murderers and promised to build “a big beautiful wall” at the U.S.-Mexico border – and get Mexico to pay...
Pakistan Fails in Bid to Keep Off Terrorist Funding List
Like China, Saudi Arabia has adopted contradictory attitudes towards Pakistani militants, supporting those that serve its geopolitical objectives while seeking to neutralise militants that either threaten its interests or...