Author: Ketaki Datta

Ketaki Datta is an academic by profession, a creative writer by passion. She has two novels to her credit, A Bird Alone and One Year for Mourning Her book of poems are three in number, Across the Blue Horizon(U.K.), Urban Reflections: A Dialogue between Poetry and Photography(With Professor Wilfried Raussert, Germany)and The Music of Eternity. Her translation titled Shesh Namaskar:TheLast Salute ( originally Shesh Namaskar by Santosh Kumar Ghosh) has been published by Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. Her nonfiction on tribal research, Oral Stories of the Totos has been published by Sahitya Akademi, N. Delhi too. Her recent work of translation is The Value of Woman(Originally Narir Mullya by Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay) and a collection of short stories, An Unshared Secret and other stories.
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