A surrealist poem by Joyce, where realities, dreams and painting mix and merge. Inside the screen the stairswere a radioactive blueleading up to a bright worldthat made the chips...
March 2, 2022
Joyce Yarrow
Why My Father Swam?
Joyce tells us about a father-daughter relationship in this poem. An exclusive for Different Truths. impossible to solvethe riddle of why his mothergave him to the nunstheir faded eyebrowspinched...
How Music Saved My Life!
Those were the days of Hippie movement and flower children. While life and living seemed gloomy, music was the much needed panacea. Here’s a personal account how of music saved...
July 24, 2016
Joyce Yarrow
The History House is Rocking
Joyce also wears the hat of a musician and singer, when she is not writing. An interesting poem where the writer-poet and the musician-singer meet. The world’s five greatest composers...
July 9, 2016
Joyce Yarrow
Dialog with a Cave Woman
An enigmatic poem where Joyce travels through time as two women, a mask and a person, talk. I see your fierce face peering out from behind an African mask in...
July 4, 2016
Joyce Yarrow
The Detective and the Poet
The mystery writer and the poet in Joyce tells us what’s the brief of either in this interesting verse. The detective runs down digs up uncovers exposes and brings to...
June 15, 2016
Joyce Yarrow
Muslims and LGBT Representatives Stand Together in Orlando, Florida
Anger begets anger, hatred begets hatred. The Orlando carnage, was unleashed by a gunman Omar Mateen killed 50 and injured 53, during a horrific shooting at the LGBT nightclub, Pulse. There...
March 13, 2016
Joyce Yarrow
The Language of the Heart
Joyce reviews a book on literary criticism, Reflection of Social Ethos in the Selected Novels of Arundhati Roy, Kiran Desai and Arvind Adiga by Dr. Archana Bhatarcharjee for Different Truths....
December 5, 2015
Joyce Yarrow
San Bernardino Carnage: Whose Life is it Anyway!
Guns kill people. But the NRA relies heavily on the support of the $12-billion-a-year gun industry, made up of manufacturers and sellers of firearms, ammunition and related wares. That alliance...
November 29, 2015
Joyce Yarrow
A Song Parts the Veil of History
Convivencia is the coexistence of different faiths in Spain, in early eighth century till the expulsion of Jews in 1492. It celebrates the common ancestry of Judaism, Islam and Christianity....