An evocative verse by Elsy where Nature and life intertwine transcending from the individual to the cosmic sensibility, exclusively for Different Truths.
Tonight, it is sleet,
silently creeping down
the muted deep freeze,
making the chill,
feel alarmingly spooky!
Last week it was
fragile florets of snow,
floating down
with winsome smiles,
filling up land and hearts alike.
Sleet, elongated icicle tears,
rolling down the cheeks
of mother sky, searching
for missing star babes,
stay frozen in all
surreal shapes,
hugging bare branches
and blades of grass alike.
But come sun and shine
the next morn,
the icy teardrops
reflect rainbows all around.
Sleet icicle in sun’s glimmer,
is like a babe, at once smiling and crying,
with tears of joy rolling down his cheeks,
sighting his mom drawing nigh,
after a few heartbeats of lonely grief!
Picture design by Anumita Roy
#Poem #Grief #Tear #Teardrops #Chill #Snow #DifferentTruths