Shail explores the themes of loss and consequence, ranging from personal family struggles to geopolitical ambitions and the impact of lifestyle choices, exclusively for Different Truths.
Loss of Adam’s ale
What is to become of a child
that is victim of a parents’ feud?
What is to become of a child
deemed to be a creation of
a marital union
stamped by society to be
insecure, orphaned by a
father’s inability to stand
up against greed and cruelty?
What is to become of a child
who is packed off to a strange
boarding school at all-of-four
when he should be frolicking
around like a pony in a field?
What is to become of the world
with adults behaving like
intellect-deficit creatures
bent on making a marriage a farce?
What is to become of the child
who might adopt the escapist
attitude like his father Atul
or, grow horns of greed like
his mother Nikita in the future?
What eventually gets left behind
is a flourishing garden shorn of
all its bloom for lack of Adam’s ale.
Territorial expansion plans
Even while the current Canadian head
is heading for disaster
the upcoming head of the United States
is bombarding the globe with fanciful ideas
of converting Canada
into the 51st state of the US.
While annexing Canada on the cards
acquiring Greenland not far behind,
for him,
a potential trove of resources to usurp,
seven percent of the world’s freshwater
to own,
huge deposits of rare earth elements
to possess
apart from being on a power handle
to supervise Russia and China;
what a find idea he must think it is
even putting Eric, the Red to shame.
And, if this wasn’t enough,
the aggressive desire to rectify
the so-called Carter’s ‘mistake,’
of getting back the Panama Canal
reins is brimming out there too.
Quite a territorial expansion this.
And, he hasn’t taken over yet!
Walking to good health
If you are happy in a sedentary job,
clap your hands.
If you are sitting at your job
all day, clap your hands.
If you are earning while sitting
without moving
and you really want to be healthy
then clap your hands.
Research reveals that you open
an oasis of heart disease,
diabetes and cancer
if you stagnate your walking tanker
by being seated doing work
the entire day.
Even a healthy diet cannot
prevent disease from attacking you
if your body is forced to become
a techie working potato couch.
So, if you really want to clap your
hands to good health
take breaks from your work,
walk around
a lot
and watch your health bloom.
So, let’s get walking.
Picture design by Anumita Roy