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Reading Time: < 1 minute
Tear the flesh
tear the silence
of the silent destiny
disperse the tears
pearls of light
of waters
given birth and birth
like drops
of memory
migrated from the heart
to the sky.
Move the skin
sink the roots
in the body marked
by time flown
in the skies
of the distant infinite
drink from the
ancient chalice
of the wise ancestors
and from the deep sea
of the heart given
to the wind already extinguished
by rivers of words
and dancing sirens
to the rhythm of the song
of the empty lament.
Sigh, beautiful soul
and unsheathe
the precious word
the main road
for the unborn days
from the cold call
of tired
and useless words
thrown into the abyss
the bottom
of the well emptied
by the enchanted hours
of prose and speeches
welcomed by the
dormant vulgar.
Cry, beautiful soul
to the days to come
the truth
of your soul
and animated by the
wise fire
of the
never extinguished
of your ancestors
to us fathers
raise the banner
of sacred fury
the only way
of inner

Picture design, Anumita Roy

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Francesco Favetta
Francesco Favetta has penned more than 4000 poems. Born in Sicily, Italy, he loves poetry and culture. In 2018, he was awarded by the Academy of Sicily. His poems have been widely anthologised, nationally and internationally. He founded a theatre company and a Lion’s Club. He believes that poetry is the weapon with which humanity will make its life free.

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