A poem on child labour by Harsh, in Different Truths. This socially responsive poem effectively displays sordid plight of a child working in the mines. It represents the feelings and wishes of the child.
Papa roared in anger, “Grab your lunch and go straight to the mine.” As I’m not the child who is born to shine. Poor, underprivileged and downtrodden, that’s what we are. Forced to labour in the coal mine so far. When a kid plays with toys, I blacken my face with coal Pulling carts to and from coal faces, my days roll Someday, I operate the ventilation doors Other days, I lead the horses pulling carts to main roads. Though my heart fears every day while at work, What if I get my hands hurt due to cart’s heavy jerk? What if I get my legs crushed under the falling roof? Yet I have to labour for bread and soup. My soul was shaken when I heard of my friend, Kalu’s death; Swallowed Arsenic, he took his last breath One another accident engulfed one more child I hardly remember when the last time he’d smiled. Education is meant for children of wealthy families And not for us, filthy, impoverished and inferior beings Schools, playgrounds, books and copies I always only dreamt I can’t quit the job as for working in a mine, I’m doomed. I wish I were a king of this country, I would have given a happy life to kids all and sundry No child would be compelled to work in mines And every child would be enjoying the sunshine.
Picture design Anumita Roy
#ChildLabour #ChildLabor #CoalMine #Poor #Underprivileged #Downtrodden #ForcedLabour #Death #SwallowedArsenic #Education #ChildrenOf WealthyFamilies #Filthy #Impoverished #InferiorBeings #Schools #Playgrounds #Books #Copies #Doomed #HappyLifeOfKids #EnjoySunshine #DifferentTruths