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Here’s a pensive, inward looking poem, wherein, the poet, Urooj, talks with her heart and soul. An evocative prose poem for Different Truths.

Write with a heart that’s pure… write with your own blood and soul create your own world and know your mind. Know the songs that the tip of your nib sings in the cold winter nights when the coffee cup seems helpless… fighting the winds and the words that seem to fill the vacant room!

Sometimes a little shift in your perspective towards life makes your mind dance to the new possibilities. Makes your heart directed to all the positive things which will ultimately lead to happiness…trust your heart and its intentions. Most of the times we become acquisitive denying the emotions…those sweet thoughts and smiles that blossoms after crying.

Be yourself right now, do not hide undercovers… let the sands sing for you a song which you never heard… before the waves touch your feet … let your fears drown in the sea and laugh like never before.

Now the sun will feel brighter and warmer… a hell lot of people settle for the situations they are in… do not settle… keep striving… keep writing…keep creating miracles and masterpieces…we do not know what is written in our stars…we cannot have a conversation with the fate… so keep writing until you become a part of God’s green earth!

©Urooj Murtaza

Pix from the Net.

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