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In this philosophical poem of Vatsala, we are reminded of the Shakespearian world order in Macbeth, where the witches say, “Fair is foul and foul is fair.” Here’s a poignant verse that captures the illusive world of reflections, for Different Truths.

O egocentric mirror of Illusion!
Reflections of illogical temptation,
Now, I recognise your claws of confusion.

You paint the bad in glossy red
And the good in dull grey,
You picture immorality as independence
And self-control as ignorance,
You smile at the selfish devil
And swear at the selfless angel

In your world, Darkness is the winner
And Light’s brightness, the eternal loser.

O egocentric mirror of illusion!
Yours is the upside-down
world of perfect chaos and degradation,
Now, I’m no longer blinded
by your hypocritical imagination,
My mind and soul flow in the stream
of pure and true divine revelation.

©Vatsala Radhakeesoon

Pix from the Net.

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1 Comment
  1. cpsharma53 7 years ago

    Beautifully crafted. The goodness resides in the heart of Macbeth but the seductive witches outside are ever ready to deviate us in the form of ambition, greed and anger. The tragedy arises when the witches, succeed. King Lear is the tragedy of anger while Julius caesar is that of greed.Going by the heart you feel the bliss.

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